Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Day 69: Spreading Awareness at Oakland University

Read the article here:


  1. Cam, you are truly inspirational.
    Both of my children faced the challenges of either stuttering or severely delayed speech, as well as the countless hours of therapy, speech schools and the litany of daily hurdles that non-stutterers take for granted. They both had to resort at times to other forms of communication-- (sign language, "drawing/writing it", charades, "singing it"--and yes, frustrated, screaming-kicking-head-banging tantrums, too :)--however, the worst days were when they would refuse to even try to communicate at all.... out of fear of failure--or worse, that the listener just plain wouldn't UNDERSTAND them, no matter how hard they tried. It was safer to simply avoid....give up...become silent in too many ways.
    Thank you for being so courageous--by NOT becoming silent. You are REALLY DOING this amazingly personal, triumphantly difficult job --and so, so many people will benefit from watching you do it.

  2. Hi Michelle,
    Thank you so much for sharing. My hope is that an increased level of awareness will help to make things easier on those going through rough patches, especially young people. Communication disorders can be extremely challenging and frustrating but it's important to never lose your voice. Your comment was mentioned in an interview I did with StutterTalk and we talked about that issue in depth. I'll post the link soon. Thanks again for the support.


    1. Hi Cam,

      Congratulations on achieving above and beyond your goal! To reach so many...and in so many different What a surprise to check back into your blog tonight and find that--whoa!--you had actually replied to my comment! (Please excuse an old broad who is still learning the ropes re: blogs....:) I realize your project focused on the speech aspect of communication, but your writing and listening skills are obviously wonderful as well. Thank you so much for your thoughtful reply. It is really neat to hear that my comment was of interest to your panel during your StutterTalk interview. My children and I look forward to checking out the link!

      Thank you again for your voice and courageous leadership. We wish you all the very best and congratulate you on indeed "finishing strong".
      Keep up this great work.....

